Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Print Outlets: Obsolete or Exclusive?

With technology becoming as widely advanced as it is in 2012, many things once familar to us, have began to be replaced by some sort of technoological advancement or "supplement"; digitally replacing what it is that we need. In the press world the statement that "Print" publications are becoming irrelevant, becuase we live in a digital based society, has its accuracy yet its argument. For press and media folks, are print publications being replaced by online websites?Should you still waste your time pitching and pleading with a print publication, when you can just as simple, attack the digital market?'Everyone has their own opinion. In a realistic, and advanced thinking mind-set, it would be smart to pin point a print publication as "exclusive". Because magazines and billboards are less sought after, wouldnt it be the perfect time to "seek" after them. The thing with digital is, just as fast as a link posts on the internet, is as fast it goes. The link is once read and then dissapears into a cyber oblivion. Pro Print: Lock in that print publication, and you have secured your clients face on something PHYSICAL. Something irreplaceble. Something that people can feel, hold and touch. This sounds so much more exclusive, it's so much harder to get, and lasts for so much longer. Do yourself a favor, if you can snag a nifty print pub, go for it. Reverse the cycle or this rapid paced technological revoloution, and land that magazine. Make your mark. Smalls PR Updates. For more opinons on print: Obsolete VS. Exclusive, click the link below

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